Washing your hands is easy, if you have access to clean water.
Killing germs is easy, if you have access to and can afford hand sanitizer.
Getting a paycheck is easy, if you have a salaried position.
Working from home is easy, if you don't have dependents who also demand your attention.
Going on a walk outside is easy, if you have access to masks or other PPEs.
Taking care of your basic needs is easy, if you have access to groceries and toiletries.
Social distancing is easy, if you live in a large enough house to comfortably stay inside.
Privileges can’t be ignored during this epidemic. We must: Listen. Empathize. Assist.
Listen to people's stories from all walks of life.
Empathize with those that differ from your own.
Assist those less fortunate.
For the first time in my lifetime, the entire world is dealing with the same crisis at the same time. While it is true that we are all affected by this, we aren't affected equally.
Be humble. Be helpful. Be human.
