We are all affected by this crisis, but it’s important to remember our privilege now more than ever. This effects us all differently, and we must acknowledge that and support those less privileged during this trying time.
I am rather lucky. Though I am located in the epicenter, I am safely self-quarantined in my apartment. So far, my partner and I are in good health and have been able to successfully socially distance ourselves. I have a salaried position where I can work from home. I have groceries that have been delivered to my door. I have a therapist that I can chat with over Skype.
While I have struggled (and even have expressed some of that openly on this platform), I remain aware of my privilege. I strive to listen and hear differing experiences. I strive to understand and empathize with differing hardships. I strive to act, and do my part, to alleviate the burden this crisis has put on so many.
If this crisis has taught me anything, it's that we must continue fighting for equity and inclusion. It is unjust that so many are disproportionately affected by a global epidemic.
Time is up. Lives are at stake. Enough talk. We need action.
