I was working with a recruiter before I landed my current job. My former company had just been acquired, and I had a few months on contract to look for my next move. With time on my side, I was being thorough in my search. I wanted to be excited for my next move. I wanted to learn and grow in my next role. I wanted to continue working for impactful companies. With a month left of my contract, I still hadn’t found the perfect job. The recruiter was growing restless. After multiple times of saying I wasn’t interested in a job after an initial interview, they told me, “Look, you are getting to a point where you are just going to have to pick something.” The comment shocked me. While I, too, was fearful that I would get to that point, I also was determined to stick to my values and my belief that the perfect job for me was out there. A week later, through a connection on LinkedIn, I heard about the job I have today. I share this story, because I know what it’s like to grow restless in your search... to grow restless at your current company... to grow restless at your current salary. No matter how restless you get, don’t undermine your values. Don’t diminish your dreams. Your search is yours alone.
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garrison gibbons
people executive
the connective tissue between the brand, business, & people
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